Saturday, February 17, 2007

Importance of Entrepreneurship-Survey Results

These are the results, there were a few blunders on my part, for which I apologize, like not saying that 1 is least important and 5 is most important on the 1st question. On the 2nd question, I should have put a statement such as, "I am not interested in business in Africa or never really thought about doing business in Africa". But I am very happy that so many of you participated anyway, thank you so much!

It appears that the bulk of you share my sentiments about the importance of entrepreneurship in Africa. Also, it looks like there a many of you that are already doing business in Africa. From time to time, you may find a poll questionnaire such as the this one-being incorporated into this blog as a post. Other times you may find them in the sidebars. My goal is to tailor the posts that you find here on The Benin Epilogue as much to your preferences and experiences as possible. You know, friends, the past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me-as far as family challenges go. You have made your presence known here even though my posting frequency has decreased a bit. Also, your responses and comments have really cheered me up a great deal and make me know that I am indeed blessed to count you among my friends. Thank each and every one of you-a million times over!

1) On a scale from 1 to 5 how important do you think entrepreneurship is to Africa's economies?
(where "1" is the least important and "5" is the most important)

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
F) Other

Answers to F:
- Most important although I don't know if 1 is most important or least important
- Extremely IMPORTANT!!
- Very Important
- i always advocate solutions to problems. thats the best entreprise

Which category best describes your current situation, as it relates to entrepreneurship in Africa?

A) I am already doing business in Africa
B) I am plan to start a business in Africa very soon
C) I am just thinking about doing business in Africa
D) I am already importing products from Africa
E) I am planning to start importing products from Africa very soon
F) I am just thinking about importing products from Africa

Of course, I love your comments. But, if you can't comment at this particular time- but would like to let us know that you were here; please sign and View my guestbook


Empower Kenya said...

Quite interesting to see the results of your survey. If 50% of the people involved said they were already doing business in Africa and 67% said they plan to start business very soon, then it would be interesting and valuable to get some advice from those who have already engaged in business--so that the 67% who are on their way can have a better chance of success.
BTW, it was nice to finally chat with you in person

Benin said...


Excellent insights. Likewise, the pleasure was all mine. Also, I am very excited about the venture that you have begun to engage in back in Kenya. Actually, I was hoping to start with you! Your experiences in starting the business from the States and selecting partners, the way that you were able to divise such an idea from the States, and also the way that you and your partners have been marketing your company all sound very intriguing. In fact, there is one fellow who reads this blog who may be a great prospective client for you in Kenya!

Thanks Muturi!

Empower Kenya said...

I made a mistake earlier when I said 67% plan to start a business in Africa very soon--your stats indicate 41.67%.
It is difficult leaving a decent position with growth potential and venture into entrepreneurship, but life is all about taking risk--as a credit analyst u should know all about that. My decision was based on many factors: the great opportunities that exists in Kenya, the great exposure that I have had here in the states, my desire to be independent and compensated according to my input. It also had to do with my age and being able to take a bigger risk now rather than later.

Benin said...


Very well said. Those are excellent points. Thanks for doing that. Sounds almost like an excerpt from "Rich Dad Poor Dad", I can tell you've been very busy. Well, keep up the good work and I almost sure that you will be more than compensated for the risks that you decided to take today!


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