Monday, April 16, 2007

An Eternity!

Good Day!

To all of my beloved blog readers, it has been only two days since the last posts on The Benin Epilogue. To me it feels like those two days have been an eternity. Over the weekend I spent time with my family and come away feeling most rewarded.

Otherwise, I sincerely hope that this months posts have been enjoyable for you. I believe that we might have perhaps two to three more posts focusing on mainstream media from the African continent before moving on to my favorite part-the Africa bloggers, yey!!!

While we decide on which articles to focus on, thought it would be good to dedicate a post or two to someone who has influenced me a lot-my dad.

Of course, I love your comments. But, if you can't comment at this particular time- but would like to let us know that you were here; please sign and View my guestbook



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